There comes a time in every techie’s life when he/she simply must indulge in, “what apps do you like?” I generally stray from such posts, but my dev lead at work told me I had to do so. Hat tip to him for forcing my hand with sharing some tips.
This is exciting - I've been working with Tim Murtaugh to update the HTML5 Reset WordPress Theme. His work was some of the first HTML5 code I read/wrote back before a lot of the frameworks became popular. I've been pleased to contribute back to this project, and Tim talked about this and other things he's working on in the latest episode of The Big Web Show. Go listen and check out his work!
Doing web work for yourself, clients, *and* a local web agency requires some fancy footwork at times. I'm not sure I've read too many blogs about going from flying solo to sitting at a desk (not like a corporate stooge, thankfully), so perhaps this will help some people
Websites should be simple tools that illustrate what we do. When I decided to remake this site, I had a clear vision in mind, but it’s all about perceptions and choices. Part one of two dealing with our goals and "missions" online.