Culinary Shows, Late Nights, American Idol

Greetings all, thought I’d take a moment to explain why I’ve been a bit scarce as of late.  No, I didn’t win American Idol, but thanks for the flattering notion!

Actually the truth of the matter is I’ve been running almost non-stop since my bother and I got back in town two weeks ago, and it’s getting busier every day.  Just about every project for work/freelance/other is coming to a crux this month.  You can check my “What I’m Working On” page for the details, but suffice to say I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.  We’re in crunch time on a culinary project at work right now – basically that means trying to cram about two weeks worth of effort into 4 – 5 days.  Every now and then projects come along that take you by surprise, and this is certainly one of them, as we’ll be forced to release the promo on the 15th whether it’s finished or not…

Aside from all that, this week is even more “fun” because I’m pulling three 5am – 6pm days in a row working as a PA for American Idol when it comes to Omaha.  I think my duties will entail minor grunt work and such, but either way I’m going for the experience and hopeful contact-building opportunities that will ensue over the period of those few days.  I’ll be posting updates and/or rundowns of how things go later this week, be sure to check back to see a snippet of what goes on when one of these events hits town.