The Blank Page

I haven’t hit “publish” in a while, so this is my petty way of forcing my own hand. Sometimes you need to mess things up in order to make them right again.

You can approach the act of writing with nervousness, excitement, hopefulness, or even despair–the sense that you can never completely put on the page what’s in your mind and heart. You can come to the act with your fists clenched and your eyes narrowed, ready to kick a** and take down names. You can come to it because you want a girl to marry you or because you want to change the world. Come to it any way but lightly. Let me say it again: you must not come lightly to the blank page. — Stephen King, On Writing

I broke the site so I would have to finish my new layout this week. It sounds silly, but I’ll be back, soon, and will not come lightly to this blank page.