

The Pursuit of Happilyness

Everyone searches for joy and peace, hoping to find something that makes them happy. Regardless of the pursuit, few things are worth the journey without the company of those you love. These are some of the footprints one twenty-something man left in the sand while pursuing...happiness.

Tools and Toys

There comes a time in every techie’s life when he/she simply must indulge in, “what apps do you like?” I generally stray from such posts, but my dev lead at work told me I had to do so. Hat tip to him for forcing my hand with sharing some tips.

The Truth About Glass Boxes

If you know me from anywhere other than this website, it may be hard for you to believe that I would ever run out of words. In truth, the words are always there, but lately I haven't known how to put them onto a page. This is not a victory shout from a writer who has found his way out of a slump; this is just "the next line" of prose that has found its way to the page.

Gun For Hire: Portability

I get asked about my netbook at least once or twice each week. No matter where I go, the little Dell 10v with the Apple sticker draws a few stares. What is it? Why on earth is it so small? How could anyone get anything done on that thing?!

Holmes and Hobbits

I consider one of my chief failings in life to be how many similarities I (sub)consciously trace between my own portrait-of-the-knowledge-worker-as-a-young-man and Sherlock Holmes...but that will not stop me from using those personalities in this pseudo-psychological comparison.