Poetry – Christmas

As the holiday draws so very near,
I bid you all some Christmas cheer,


I ask that during this holiday season,
You focus on the one true reason,


Why we celebrate Christmas the way that we do,
And I hope the real reason is quite clear to you,


In case you were wondering or had a slight doubt,
I just wanted to inform you what all this was about,


You see over 2,000 years ago a baby was born,
He started off so innocent yet took the whole world by storm,


The baby’s name was Jesus – and the world took a knee,
To offer up everything to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings,


This infant that was born was much different than all others,
Such as being birthed by an innocent and pure virgin mother,


Yet he also was quite different due to the power within,
That would be used later in his life to bring sight to blind men,


To make the lame walk and the deaf to hear,
Were just a few of the things he did while he was here,


We celebrate his birth and the forgiveness he would bring,
Which seemed so impossible through such a little thing,


Yet even while he was a baby he was bringing the world hope,
And our father in heaven desires that everyone should know,


So I say with much seasonal spirit and equal validity,
May you have the merriest of Christmases, and focus on the real thing.